
This summer has presented a new set of expectations for everyone, kids and adults alike. With summer camps closed or at reduced capacity, keeping your homebound students engaged and inspired can seem daunting. Besides, providing safe, fun, and meaningful experiences that grow skill sets while also getting kids outside can be difficult, even without the social distancing constraints we face today.

To meet this challenge, the Center for Green Schools at USGBC is hosting a virtual summer camp from July 27 to 31, to engage 7th through 12th grade students in exploring sustainable city planning through their own neighborhoods. Throughout the weeklong camp, students will investigate what goes into making a sustainable city, evaluate their own surroundings, and apply that knowledge to advocate for sustainable changes in their own cities or towns.

Each day of the summer camp includes hands-on activities, interactive sessions, and self-paced projects. The deadline for application is Sunday, July 19 at 5pm.

Click HERE for more information.

Sign Up HERE.