
Dear Green Newton Friends,

Green Newton recommends that you vote YES on the Northland referendum on Tuesday.

If the YES side wins, City Council’s vote to approve the Northland project along Needham Street would be ratified.

A YES vote will be good for our climate.

  • Energy Efficiency: Northland will be the most energy efficient multi-use project in MA. It will set a very visible example for other MA builders and cities.
  • No Natural Gas will be used to heat the buildings.
  • Transportation: Northland has made extraordinary, legally-binding commitments to reduce single-occupancy vehicle use.
  • Location: With thousands of people moving to Greater Boston, it’s better to house them on a small land footprint, close to their jobs. Northland will slow the suburban sprawl that is clogging our region with cars.

For more reasons to vote YES, see these articles on the Green Newton website.

Please join us by voting YES for Newton’s future and our children’s future.