
We had another great Farmers Market season this year with lots of cool activities at our booth including caterpillars and butterflies—real and origami. Toddlers loved the stuffed vegetable toys and polar bears. New this year: Solar Wild Boar races in the sunshine and the Reuse/Recycle Plastic Cup Tower with used cups from the lemonade lady at the Elm St. market!

Our canine friends appreciated the Water for Good Dog, and we recycled 2,600 corks at Whole Foods! This year’s student crew included: Jesse Dash, Alicia Doung (intern), Ava Freeman (intern), Ilan Friedman, Daniel Gliksberg, Naomi Goldstein, David Karp, Emma Kellstein, Coral Lin, Myles Oo, and Julian Phillips.

Thanks also to Tom Boyd, Marcia Cooper, Sara Coen Dash, Michael Fizek, John Garabedian, Jie Ling, Eric Olson, Naomi Osher, Nathan Phillips, James Purdy, and Emi Yamanaka. We also appreciate everyone who contributed caterpillars and other wildlife this summer, with a special thanks to Market Manager Judy Dore, Assistant Manager Maureen Connell and their staff for all their help and good spirits.

by Julian Phillips and Margaret Ford