
The program scheduled for Monday January 26, has been postponed to March 23.  It is a two-part presentation on understanding the reality of climate change and what we can do to lead a climate-friendly lifestyle. Dan Ruben, Executive Director of Boston Green Tourism, will show how he cut his own carbon footprint by 80% so far, and how all of us can get similar results. Cathy Buckley, a Climate Reality Speaker, then will discuss the cause of climate change, its consequences, progress in slowing it, and most important–what we must do now. Event will be held at the Newton Free Library, Druker Auditorium.

FREE LED light bulbs (donated by NSTAR) will be given to attendees (one per household).

Dan Ruben, suitChairman of the Board of Green Decade, Dan Rubin has recently been named “Person of the Year” for the sustainable lodging industry. As Executive Director of Boston Green Tourism, Dan helps hotels reduce energy, water, waste and toxins.


me&MumCathy Buckley is a Environmental Defense Fund Lead Ambassador, and a committee member of the Sierra Club, 350MA, Westwood Environmental Action, and MIT Fossil Free.

This event is a part of Green Decade Newton’s Greening Our Community Series of environment related lectures.