Please access your Eversource account number and call 866-968-8065 to opt up to 100% renewable electricity in Newton Power Choice.
Newton Power Choice is now the default Newton electrical power supplier. Each resident or business has the option to move up to 100% renewables from the default 60% by calling the phone number above or through the NPC website. Keep an eye out for the Newton Power Choice insert (below) that will be included in your next water bill.
Opting up is a low cost but high impact way to lower your carbon footprint.
Newton is currently in a competition with Brookline for bragging rights over which community can achieve the highest percentage of electricity customers to sign up for the 100% renewable choice. As of the end of May, around 1,500 (5.5%) electricity customers have opted up to 100% renewable in Newton Power Choice. Of course, we can do better in Newton!
To choose the 100% renewable option in Newton Power Choice, first find your Eversource account number, and call 866-968-8065 or visit
Don’t be fooled… many companies provide misleading information promising bargain pricing and renewable electricity. Most also charge high fees if you decide to end your contract and their renewable sources are not local. So please support New England-based renewable power sources, and 100% renewable electricity by participating in the well-vetted Newton Power Choice program.
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