Energized for Action Event People Celebrating at Sunset, Newton, MA

A terrific group of Newton environmentalists and community leaders gathered at our ⚡️Energized for Action Celebration, on Saturday, November 4. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect in a festive environment at Lasell University. Thanks to all who attended! If you couldn’t be there, we hope to see you at our next event!

We celebrated Green Newton’s President, Marcia Cooper’s fifteen inspired years of leadership! CLICK HERE to read a moving account from four of her friends and Green Newton supporters, about how Marcia’s enthusiasm for the importance of environmental action impacted them.

Green Newton’s Louise Bruyn Award for Environmental Leadership was presented to Newton Co-Director of Sustainability, Ann Berwick, and to Newton environmental and social justice community leader, Peter Barrer.

Astrid Caldas, PhD, of the Union of Concerned Scientists, spoke about the importance and impact of Community Climate Action.

Another focus of the evening was the significant impact that converting Newton households to renewable energy sources will have, and why this is a top priority for Green Newton. Newton residences produce a whopping 38% of the city’s greenhouse gas emissions through fossil fuel-based systems and appliances. Green Newton is dedicated to helping all city residents make the switch to renewables and dramatically decreasing our carbon pollution.

Our first Executive Director, Judy Lehrer Jacobs, will help lead the charge on this campaign. Her remarks gave us a wonderful sense of how she came to dedicate her life to the environment, and her enthusiasm for her new role. Judy is off to an impressive start as we expand Green Newton’s capacity at this critical time.

We are very grateful to all who contributed to the event, and to supporting the vital services that Green Newton provides to our community, to protect and defend our environment and our future.

We are ⚡️Energized for Action and look forward to continued partnership with you.


Celebration Photos

Thanks to our generous sponsors: The Village Bank, Auburndale Builders, Weiner & Rice, LLC, Organic Soil Solutions, Wegman’s, Lasell University, Byggmeister, Fulfilled Goods, ReVision Energy, NEC Solar, and Supercuts!

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