
As a way to spread the word about Green Newton’s new Take Action! tool and encourage our community to take action on climate change, readers have been sending in pics of their sidewalk chalk climate art.

The latest were sent in by Cat Degroot, a graduate of Newton North High School and rising junior at University of Colorado Boulder.  We encourage other students to get creative and send photos of their Take Action! sidewalk art.



Help us get the word out! Here’s what to do:

  1. Create your environment related art or message with chalk and write the words “Take Action! at greennewton.org
  2. Post pictures of your sidewalk jokes on social media and tag #NewtonTakesClimateAction or send to info@greennewton.org.

Learn how to lower your carbon footprint with Take Action! . With almost 60% of greenhouse gases coming from household energy and cars, our personal actions really matter! Sign in and check off the actions you’ve already taken–Make a list of “To dos” and get to it–Challenge others to take action with Green Newton!