Join Professor Julie Brigham-Grette of the University of Massachusetts Amherst on Wednesday, November 17 from 7-8:30pm at the Mount Ida Campus Center (100 Carlson Ave., Newton) and virtually by Zoom for her presentation on how her research on past periods of climate warming can inform us about the rates of change occurring now. While climate deniers pitch that “the climate has always been changing,” the high latitude climate history suggests that urgent and ambitious change is our only choice. We have a responsibility to future generations – we need to focus on delayed but certain and irreversible climate impacts. Free and open to the public.
To RSVP for in-person attendance, contact 617-243-1119 or
Julie Brigham-Grette Ph.D. is a Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Past Chair of the Polar Research Board of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. She has been conducting research in the Arctic for 40 years, including eight field seasons in remote parts of northeast Russia since 1991. Her research interests and experience span the broad spectrum of arctic marine and terrestrial paleoclimate records dealing with the Late Cenozoic to recent evolution of the Arctic climate, especially in the Bering Strait region. She most recently co-led the $10M International Continental Scientific Drilling Program at Lake El’gygytgyn in NE Russia collecting a record of Arctic change over the past 3.6 million years.
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