
In the spring of 2023, the City of Newton received its eighth consecutive Green Communities grant from the State of Massachusetts. A portion of this year’s grant has been used to convert the Goodwin Building at Newton South High School to LED lighting. This summer, electricians have been replacing 497 fluorescent lighting fixtures with high efficiency LED lighting. This change will save over 73,000kWh per year. That’s the equivalent amount of electricity used by 12 Massachusetts homes each year!

The City has converted over 60% of the lighting in its schools and other City buildings to LEDs (light-emitting diodes), which are significantly more energy efficient than other types of lighting. The City will continue to convert buildings to LED lighting and look for more opportunities to insulate/air seal buildings and to convert buildings from fossil fuels to heat pumps.

Read more about what the City of Newton is doing to reduce fossil fuel use and move to clean energy.