
Wednesday, September 20 from 7:30-9pm. Online.

This forum will be a full, informative discussion about green banks on the national level, the workings of an actual green bank, and the plans for the new green bank in Massachusetts.

  • Paul Mark, State Senator from Western Massachusetts, will speak about plans for the Massachusetts Community Climate Bank, the nation’s first green bank dedicated to affordable housing.
  • Nenya Young, Director of Policy and Network at the Coalition for Green Capital, will provide a national perspective, including the role of the Inflation Reduction Act in stimulating new and existing green banks.
  • Eric Shrago, Vice President of Operations at the Connecticut Green Bank, will talk about the experience of the nation’s first Green Bank, established in 2011.
  • Lee Harris, Moderator, is a staff writer at The American Prospect with many bylines in her name about green banks and capital markets.


Senator Edward Markey has also been invited to say a few words about his work to create a green bank at the national level. He will be joining us at the beginning of the session via a pre-recorded video.