
Waban resident Nathan Eisenberg works at the Leventhal-Sidman Jewish Community Center. Two years ago, he began refurbishing old bicycles, some as balance bikes that can help people learn how to ride; last year Freewheeling became a non-profit business.

We refurbish recycled bikes and provide them for free to people needing a bike. We also modify bikes into balance bikes for children and adults who are having difficulty learning to ride. We gear ourselves towards children with Autism and other disabilities but are happy to help anyone in need.

Balance bikes have no pedals; they allow one to learn proper balance and steering without the confusion of pedaling. Once a person learns to ride a balance bike it is relatively easy to transition to a standard bicycle.

We enable and encourage people to enjoy bicycling and use bicycles as a form of transportation. This cuts back on the use of fossil fuels and prevents bikes from going to the landfill. I use bicycles as form of transportation whenever possible, including commuting to work.

If you have bike that your child has outgrown or have one sitting around your garage, I accept donations of working or non working bicycles and will make sure they get a second life helping a child learn.

For more information about receiving a balance bike or to donate a bike, please email  Nathan Eisenberg at etannate@gmail.com with “Balance Bike” in the subject line, or use his Bike Request Form or Bike Donation Form.

This interview has been edited and condensed. If you know of a small business that is green and in Newton, please let us know for future interviews: editor@greennewton.org.

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As part of our effort to improve our environment, Green Newton has embarked on a series of articles about green businesses that have a Newton connection.

The idea is to inspire others to create businesses that promote environmental awareness or lessen the impact of a traditional business. At the same time, the businesses would get some recognition and publicity, possibly even customers or investors.

Our readers should please keep in mind that Green Newton is not The New Yorker — we have no fact checkers. We expect business owners and managers to tell us the truth about their organizations but we are taking them on faith. This is one reason that the articles are structured so that the “voice” of the column is the voice of the business.

It should also be said for the record that Green Newton does not necessarily endorse any of these businesses.

Boy, that sounds dour and weaselly.

The truth is, we love the fact that people are trying to build green businesses in our community, that our neighbors are taking old business models and finding ways to adapt them to make the world better. And we think other people should hear about what these people are doing.