
Catch up with old friends and meet new ones at Green Newton’s upcoming neighborhood house party. Learn how to reduce or eliminate gas and oil, find out about incentives and cost-effective steps you can take, and get the scoop on heat pumps, solar, EVs and more! Never thought about climate action before? Here’s a great place to start! Have some detailed home energy upgrade questions? We’ll be able to answer a lot of basic questions, and will share resources for who to go to for more technical discussions. RSVP below:

Saturday, April 6, 3: 00 to 5:00 pm
Roberts Ave, Newton, MA
Hosted by the Dahl * Kuczewski family

Please check back soon for additional dates and locations. If you are interested in hosting a house party and showcasing your home’s sustainable features, please email info@greennewton.org.

Can’t attend? Sign up for our free, weekly e-news to get resources on how to green your home and lifestyle.