
Please contact state legislators to advocate for the support of Electric New Buildings Statewide: An Act relative to the electrification of new and substantially remodeled or rehabilitated buildings (H.3183 / S.2115). See the summary sheet.

Sponsor: Representatives Khan and Livingstone, and Senator Edwards.

Key provisions will:

  • require all new construction to use electricity and not fossil fuels;
  • avoid additional costs of retrofitting newer buildings in the near future; and
  • include special provisions for hospitals and laboratories; and some exceptions, for example, for outdoor cooking and emergency back-up generation.

Please read the testimony submitted by Ann Berwick, the Massachusetts Undersecretary of Energy from 2008 to 2010 and the Chair of the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities from 2010 to 2015. Ann is currently the Co-Director of Sustainability in the City of Newton.

Send a Message to Legislators

  1. Write in the subject line: “An Act Relative to the Electrification of New and Substantially Remodeled or Rehabilitated Buildings, H.3183 and S.2115”
  2. Add a message of your own to the letter-starter below.
  3. Send to Mike.Barrett@masenate.gov, Lexi.Concannon@masenate.gov, Jeffrey.Roy@mahouse.gov, and JointCommittee.Utilities&Energy@malegislature.gov.


Sample Email:

Senator Michael Barrett
Co-Chair, Joint Committee on Telecommunication, Utilities and Energy
State House
Boston, MA 02133

Representative Jeffrey Roy
Co-Chair, Joint Committee on Telecommunication, Utilities and Energy
State House
Boston, MA 02133

Dear Chair Barrett and Chair Roy:

I am writing in strong support of An Act Relative to the Electrification of New and Substantially Remodeled or Rehabilitated Buildings, H.3183 and S.2115.

[Add Your Message]