
Two weeks ago, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved a key certificate for the Atlantic Bridge project, a stepping stone for Spectra Energy to pump unnecessary fracked gas north. Please contact Governor Baker today to urge him to deny a key state permit for the gas compression station in Weymouth and oppose the Atlantic Bridge project?

Phone calls are most impactful, but here’s an email action you can take and forward along to your friends.

Phone Number: 617-725-4005
Script: “Hello, my name is ___ and I am calling from ____. I am calling to urge Governor Baker to deny the Coastal Zone Management permit for the Atlantic Bridge gas pipeline project and to speak up to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in opposition. Senators Markey and Warren have communicated their concerns to the federal government three times while the Governor has remained silent. I urge Governor Baker to take action now and protect Massachusetts residents.”

Message forwarded from Mass Power Forward.