Do you care deeply about protecting Newton’s environment and addressing climate change in our community? Join Green Newton as a volunteer! Connect with neighbors who share your passion for creating a better city and make a meaningful difference together.
Learn more about volunteer opportunities!
Green Newton is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the environment and combating climate change at the local level.
With the growing urgency of environmental challenges, your involvement can make a meaningful impact in our community.
Sign up to learn more about volunteering!
Whether you have just a few hours to spare or are looking for a more ongoing role, there are many ways to contribute. Opportunities include:
- Organizing educational community programs, like our Earth Day Festival.
- Bringing specialized skills, such as fundraising, video production or social media expertise, to advance our initiatives.
- Assisting with administrative tasks, such as stuffing envelopes or supporting event logistics.
Your time and talents can help make a real difference in creating a sustainable future for Newton.
See volunteer opportunities here. You can also contact us at for more information about volunteer opportunities.
Join us in protecting our environment and our community!
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