The City of Newton has a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. It’s going to take increased funds to transition our buildings to clean energy.

Currently, many municipal and school buildings have old HVAC systems powered by gas and oil. Passing the operating override will provide funding of $500,000 in perpetuity to convert to clean energy.

We commend the City for converting the new Newton Early Childhood Program building (formerly the Horace Mann School) to a fully electric heating and cooling system. If the override passes, the Peirce Elementary School and the Newton Free Library will be the next buildings to be converted to clean energy.

Green Newton appreciates including funds in the override proposal to convert our public buildings to more environmentally sustainable heating and cooling systems. Our group also supports the increase in funding in the override to enhance and protect our tree canopy. By investing in the sustainability of our city’s buildings and urban forest, these override funds will make Newton a healthier and thriving place to live for generations to come.