Climate scientists are increasingly sounding the alarm on the need for bold action to address climate change. On Wednesday, June 5 at 7:30pm, Dr. Rachel Cleetus, Climate and Energy Policy Director at the Union of Concerned Scientists, will speak on “Urgency and Opportunity: What the Latest Climate Science Tells Us.” Dr. Cleetus will discuss what’s new in the recent climate reports, what options may prevent the worst effects of climate change, and how we can summon the political and social will to take the actions necessary. The forum will also include a showing of several short award-winning climate action videos made by Needham High School students.
The free program will be held at Temple Beth Shalom (670 Highland Ave., Needham) and is sponsored by Green Needham Collaborative, the League of Women Voters of Needham, Temple Beth Shalom’s Shomrei Adamah Committee, and the Needham Chapter of Mothers Out Front.
Download the flyer here.
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