Farmers Market

The Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ represents Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) analysis of the latest fruit and vegetable testing data from the Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration. The 2024 guide includes data from 47,510 samples of 46 fruits and vegetables.

Dirty Dozen™

Of the 46 items included in the analysis, these 12 fruits and vegetables were most contaminated with pesticides.

1. Strawberries
2. Spinach
3. Kale, collard & mustard greens
4. Grapes
5. Peaches
6. Pears
7. Nectarines
8. Apples
9. Bell & hot peppers
10. Cherries
11. Blueberries
12. Green Beans

Clean Fifteen™

These 15 items had the lowest amounts of pesticide residues, according to EWG’s analysis of the most recent USDA data.

32. Carrots
33. Sweet Potatoes
34. Mangoes
35. Mushrooms
36. Watermelon
37. Cabbage
38. Kiwi
39. Honeydew melon
40. Asparagus
41. Sweet peas (frozen)
42. Papaya*
43. Onions
44. Pineapple
45. Sweet corn*
46. Avocados