curbside yard waste collection

Please bag, mulch, or compost your leaves and do not rake leaves into the street (unless they are concurrently being collected by a landscaper) and never push them into storm drains. Leaves blocking storm drains can cause flooding and create safety concerns for motorists and pedestrians.

Residents are encouraged to remove leaves from storm drains, if feasible; or you may call the City of Newton Customer Service 617-796-1000 (M-F 8:30 am – 5:00 pm) or the Utilities Division 617-796-1640 (M-F 7:00 am – 3:00 pm) to request a drain be cleared.

Leaves are an important part of the natural environment. Left on the land, leaves decompose, feeding your plants and enriching your soil. But when large amounts of leaves are washed off our lawns, down our driveways, into storm drains, and into our water bodies, they release phosphorus and nitrogen into our water, contributing to water pollution.