
S.2545, A Ground-Breaking Clean Energy Bill Has Passed the MA Senate; Residents are Hopeful the House Will Support a Similar Bill Soon.

Urge your State Representatives to pass similar legislation in the House!

Thank Senator Creem for Being a Leader in Renewable Energy for Massachusetts!

Last week, the Massachusetts State Senate passed one of the most ambitious climate protection bills in the country. This legislation expands the state’s commitment to rapidly transition to renewable energy like wind and solar, and paves the way for more energy efficient homes and businesses for a truly 100% renewable future in our state.

The senate legislation tackles climate change in a big way. By increasing the Renewable Portfolio Standard to a 3% increase per year, Massachusetts can achieve 50% renewable energy by 2030. This bill also expands the procurement of offshore wind, removes the solar net metering cap, expands access to solar energy for low-income consumers, and directs the state pension fund to divest from coal. There is even language that will prohibit a “pipeline tax” for electricity customers for new fracked gas pipelines.

But, this hard won legislation will be dead in the water if the House doesn’t join in this mission. In the next few weeks they will consider a House bill which is very disappointing. They need to hear from all of us about how excited we are about the Senate bill, about how our Senator Creem has been a great champion on climate change and how important we believe passage of strong, game-changing legislation is to reducing our carbon footprint and transitioning quickly off of fossil fuels. So, let’s tell our State Senator how grateful we are for her leadership in passing this truly historic clean energy bill, and let’s let our State reps know we are counting on them to do the same!