Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is an annual event that began in Western Australia in 2011 and has spread across the globe. It aims to raise awareness of the amount of plastic in our lives by encouraging people to reduce their reliance on single-use plastic disposables, reduce plastic pollution, and push for lasting solutions to the plastic pollution crisis – during July and beyond. The concept is simple: participants are challenged to reduce their reliance on single-use plastics by eliminating one or more single-use items from their daily lives.

All through the month, we will be celebrating Plastic Free July with additional content on reducing plastics. In addition, we challenge you to take our Plastic Free July Pledge and commit to taking action to reduce single-use plastic from your life.

What is the Green Newton Plastic Free July Pledge?

Select one or more actions that you pledge to take this month. You can also write in your own action. As you complete each challenge, come share your experience with us at the Green Newton booth at the Newton Farmers Market at Cold Spring Park on Tuesdays (July 11, 18, and 25). With your visit, you can select a gift that will help you go plastic free.

Examples of things you can do as part of the pledge include:

  • take a reusable water bottle everywhere you go
  • use reusable dishware for summer gatherings
  • skip the plastic produce bag – leave unbagged or use a cloth produce bag
  • try a reusable container for takeout at a participating restaurant in Newton. Participating restaurants in Newton include Judith’s Kitchen, Grape Leaf Mediterranean Grille, Little Luke’s, and soon to be Johnny’s Luncheonette (Download the Recirclable app first)
  • take a reusable container to restaurants to bring home leftovers
  • bring my own clean bag or container to refill a bulk food item instead of purchasing in a disposable container (Whole Foods or Fulfilled Goods offer bulk items)
  • “Skip the Stuff” – tell the restaurant or delivery service that you don’t want any unnecessary cutlery or condiment packets in your takeout
  • try a plastic free bath alternative such as a shampoo bar, tooth tablets, bamboo toothbrush, etc.
  • try a plastic free kitchen alternative such as a dish soap bar, loofah dish sponge, beeswax wrap, etc.