Have you seen Mass Save’s heating and cooling system rebate? You might be eligible for the Early Heating & Cooling Equipment Replacement Rebate to upgrade your system to a high-efficiency one and cut down on your energy consumption. Rebates of up to $3500 are available!

There are rebates available to:

Interested in a heat pump or AC rebate? Schedule an appointment with one of Mass Save’s AC Check Trained Contractors to verify eligibility. (Municipal electric customers should check with their town to find out if it offers any air conditioning or heat pump rebates.)

Do you qualify for a rebate to replace your heating system with a high efficiency system?YES, if:

  • Your existing system is functional and fueled by natural gas, propane, or oil; and
  • You own a hot air furnace and it is at least 12 years old, OR you own a hot water or steam boiler and is at least 30 years old; and
  • You are a residential customer of a utility associated with Mass Save (such as Eversource, Berkshire Gas, or National Grid) for gas or electricity (Municipal electric customers must heat with natural gas provided by a participating gas utility); and
  • You do not plan to switch fuels or heating distribution types (for example, switching from oil to gas, or from hot air to hot water baseboard).

Act now!

Contact Mass Save at 866-527-7283 to schedule your no-cost Mass Save Home Energy Assessment or Site Visit to verify eligibility prior to installing your new efficient equipment. You can read more about the minimum efficiency requirements for qualifying new systems here.

If your system isn’t old enough to qualify for the early replacement rebate, there are many other rebates and incentives available to you through Mass Save to increase your home’s energy efficiency. Be sure to check them out!

By upgrading to a more efficient heating or cooling system, you will need less energy to heat or cool your home. That means fewer greenhouse gas emissions and lower fuel costs, year after year. We hope you’ll take advantage of these great rebates!

If you have any questions, please call 800-287-3950 x155.