
Do you want to take the next step and get involved with Green Newton? Here are some opportunities to get involved with GN environmental activities:

Environmental Book Group

Our next book selection is The Collapse of Western Civilization, by Naomi Oreskes (only 80 pages long–“The scenario portrayed in this valuable little book is scarily possible. It would be apt if readers took action to keep it from, you know, happening,”  comments Bill McKibben, founder 350.org)

Contact info@GreenNewton.org if you’d like to participate in this discussion or to get on our list for announcements of new books as we set up meeting times.

Organic Garden Committee

We are in the process of forming a group interested in educating the public about organic gardening. Contact info@GreenNewton.org if you’d like to hear from us as we set up the group.

Coming Soon

We need volunteers to help educate Newton residents about environmental issues. Upcoming campaigns:

  • inform residents about gas leaks in their neighborhoods
  • sign-up Newton residents for Mass Save Home energy audits and solar installations
  • help residents start composting at home

We hope you can join us in one or more of these activities.