As you may have heard, National Grid and Northeast Utilities backed out of their agreements to purchase energy from Cape Wind. According to environmental groups, their change of heart came after “a lawsuit funded by oil billionaire Bill Koch made it difficult for the project to secure full financing.”

Marcy “Mary” Reed, the president of National Grid in MA, has been a long-term and enthusiastic supporter of offshore wind. Now, the fate of the nation’s first offshore wind farm lies in her hands.  By reinstating National’s Grid commitment to buy 50% of the power from Cape Wind, she can save the nation’s first offshore wind farm, help create thousands of jobs, and move toward securing Massachusetts’ clean energy future. Join our “Hail Mary” effort to save Cape Wind by signing the petition!

You can support Cape Wind by signing a petition HERE.

Better Future Project is an organization that helped get started and still works with them. They are also organizing a “mobilization to save Cape Wind” on Saturday, February 28th.

Cape Wind was slated to be the first offshore wind in the nation. More information is available at the link above or at