The “Envi Sci” program is a unique educational outdoor program for around 35 teens that combines wilderness exploration with learning about the natural wonders of our environment.  It is a month-long experience geared for students entering grades 7 through 10 in Fall of 2017.

Students participate in science workshops during hiking and biking excursions that focus on topics such as geology, botany, ecology, water cycle, pollution issues and conservation. They are also enriched by joining in on environmental service projects.

Highlights of the program include hikes at the Blue Hills reservation in Massachusetts and at Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire. Other offerings include bicycle trips, a 12-mile Charles River canoe trip, and an expedition through salt marshes near Gloucester. The program ends with an exhilarating three-day backpacking trip on Mount Washington, which is the highest peak in the northeast.

Green Newton is a proud supporters of the Envi Sci program. For more information visit