
Earlier this month, we published a blog warning that the list of electric vehicles (EVs) that qualify for the federal tax credit would change on April 18, when the battery requirements written into the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) finally kicked in. The big day has arrived and we now know which vehicles meet the battery requirements, at least for now.

New Vehicle List

This week, the U.S. Department of Energy published this fueleconomy.gov page that shows the following list of vehicles and credit amounts based on whether they meet certain battery requirements.

As a reminder, to qualify for the federal Clean Vehicle Credit:

  • Your income must be under the income cap
  • The vehicle must be assembled in North America
  • The vehicle’s MSRP must be under the listed MSRP limit

(You can learn more about all these requirements on our website.) The list published this week shows us how much each vehicle qualifies for if it (and you) meet these three requirements – $3,750 if it meets one of the two battery requirements and $7,500 if it meets both.

See the List

The post was originally published on the Green Energy Consumers Alliance website on Friday, April 21, 2023.