
In 2021, the Newton Citizens Commission on Energy (NCCE) prepared an inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the City of Newton during the period of 2013-2019, the first such update since 2013. The inventory provides a hard reality check on the current status of energy demand and GHG emissions in Newton. According to the report, we are not doing well.

Here are the main conclusions:

  • Continuing the current trends in energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions virtually guarantees that Newton will not meet its stated goals.
  • We have made progress in shifting toward a more renewable electricity mix through Newton Power Choice.
  • Progress is being made – through the state-level and city-level efforts – toward reducing GHG emissions from new construction.
  • There is a growing demand for heating fuel in the residential, commercial and municipal sectors.
  • Newton’s most important priority is reducing energy demand in existing buildings and transitioning to electric heat.
  • Newton’s adoption of electric vehicles has been very slow but there are reasons to believe that this will rapidly change in the next few years.

The Newton Power Choice initiative has shown that bold leadership through municipal policy produces measurable progress. We must heed this lesson in developing an immediate plan for existing buildings. Newton Citizens Commission on Energy recommends that the City, in collaboration with the activist and business communities, develop policies to implement universal energy use analysis, benchmarking and public disclosure for each and every property within city limits.

Download the Newton Emission Inventory 2013-2019 or view below.


Download the presentation slides or view below.

NewtonGHGInventorySlidesOct 27