‘Native Plants for Bird Friendly Communities’ on Wednesday, June 9 from 12-1pm features the beautiful songbirds that flit through gardens including wrens, cardinals, finches, nuthatches, and more.

Join Audubon CT-NY’s Jillian Bell for a presentation focused on bird-friendly plants for your home landscape. With the right plants, any space—from a small container on your patio to an acre of your backyard—can become more bird-friendly.

Whether you have years of experience with bird-friendly gardens or want to start your first one, you will find information and inspiration in this presentation.

All successful bird gardens are comprised of three very important elements: cover, nesting, and nourishment (food and water). In this presentation, Jillian will provide an in-depth look at the things you can do to make your outdoor spaces more bird-friendly for our year-round avian residents as well as feathered friends who stopover during their migration journeys.

Jillian Bell is Audubon Connecticut & New York’s Bird Friendly Communities (BFC) Program Coordinator. She works with community groups and a suite of program partners to restore native habitat, connect people with nature, and inspire stewardship as well as the next generation of environmental leaders. Jillian has supported over 30 schools in Connecticut in their efforts to green their schoolyards by creating native plant habitats on school grounds. Jillian also delivers professional development workshops to teaching staff to support them in taking their students outside and integrating their curriculum with the natural world right outside their doors. She is currently leading a virtual workshop series for people interested in adding native plants to their home spaces, be it in a planter or a whole yard.

This webinar is free for all audiences.


Sponsored by the Ecological Landscape Alliance.