Begins Wednesday, February 1 from 7-8:30pm and continues on February 8, 15, and 22. Online.
Do you hear conflicting claims about climate change? Are the predictions confusing and solutions uncertain? Why not join a small group webinar to learn and discuss the reality and possible solutions? Sponsored by Can We Stop Climate Change?,  classes will meet 4 Wednesday evenings in February.
  • The first session addresses the basic science and the effects of climate change. You may know a lot of this but new information will be introduced.
  • The second meeting delves into climate modeling and specifically the En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator which is used in policymaking. You don’t have to be a scientist to grasp these concepts and appreciate their relevance.
  • The third session covers renewable energy sources, primarily wind and solar, and the incredible reduction in costs over the past ten years.
  • The last session takes a look at the audience we are trying to reach, as well as various opportunities for you to get active.

The group will be limited to 15 participants to allow for active participation. You can learn more about the webinar series here.