Take Action!

Each of us has the power to lower our carbon footprint and together we can make a difference. Check out the Take Action!  tool on Green Newton’s website. There are big and small actions you can take–choose one and get started!

Take Action! Tool


Fight Climate Crisis Top 5

Here are 5 actions with the biggest impact that you can take to fight the climate crisis :

  1. Insulate your home, use high efficiency heating and cooling systems, and electrify if you can. Start with a home energy assessment.
  2. Walk, bike, and take public transportation when you can, and make your next car an electric vehicle.
  3. Opt up to 100% clean energy on your electric bill for a very easy but big impact.
  4. Cut down on meat and dairy consumption. And compost your organics.
  5. Buy less stuff (especially plastic) and reuse what you have.