
For more than 40 years, Newton’s Good Shepherd Community Care has been one of Greater Boston’s most trusted health care organizations focusing on hospice and palliative care. While some hospices are refusing to admit symptomatic patients without a negative COVID test, Good Shepherd is not discriminating based on a COVID-related diagnosis.

But they need help. Specifically, they need gloves, gowns, goggles (any kind), N95 masks, surgical masks, sewn masks, elastic for masks, hand sanitizer, surface wipes, lab coats, face shields, shoe covers and medical caps of all types.

Donations of any of the above can be mailed or delivered curbside to Good Shepherd Community Care (90 Wells Avenue, Newton)  Monday-Friday from 9am- 5pm. Note: this is the nonprofit’s administrative office and there are no patients on-site. For more information, email Info@GSCommunityCare.org or call 617-969-6130.