
Have you lost a job, lost a business, are a retiree on limited income, or otherwise find you are income constrained?

If so, you may be eligible for up to a total of 50% off the electricity supply portion of your electric bill through the Eversource low-income discount electric rate and low-income community solar programs. You may also qualify for heating fuel assistance.

Discounts on Electricity

Sign up for the discount electric rate (approximately 30%) by applying to Eversource. Households may qualify if they already participate in the following programs:

  • WIC- Women, Infants & Children Nutritional Program
  • MassHealth – Basic or Standard
  • HeadStart
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Health Safety Net Plan Primary or Secondary- (Not Partial)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP/Food Stamps)
  • School Breakfast/Lunch Program
  • Emergency Assistance for the Elderly, Disabled & Children (EAEDC)
  • Public or Subsidized Housing
  • Veterans Non-Service Disability Pension
  • Veterans Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)Surviving Parent or Spouse
  • Veterans’ Service Benefits (Chapter 115)

Electricity Discounts & Fuel Assistance Income Eligibility Levels

You may also qualify if you can demonstrate that your household income is lower than 60% of the state median income. (See income chart.)

Those who qualify for the discount electric rate are eligible for an additional discount through one of the low-income community solar programs. The best deal currently for low-income households is through SunWealth Low Income Community Solar, which offers a 20% discount. Those interested should fill out the Community Solar Interest form and direct any questions about the program to Jacob Naimark at Sunwealth by calling 603-828-3106 or emailing jacob@sunwealth.com. Other community solar options can be viewed at EnergySage’s community solar platform.

The Green Energy Consumer Alliance is sponsoring webinars to help explain these discount programs:


Heating Fuel Assistance

Those below 60% of State Median Income may also qualify for heating fuel assistance starting November 1, as well as free insulation, free lighting upgrades, and free appliance upgrades. Please contact ABCD at 617-796-1420 to set up an appointment. More info is available at the Massachusetts Association for Community Action website.