“Envi Sci” is a unique month-long outdoor program for teenagers entering grades 7 through 10 in the Fall. It provides an excellent opportunity for students to enjoy the wilderness and learn about environmental science.
While it is based at Bowen School in Newton Centre, each day offers a fun-filled adventure. Highlights include hikes to Blue Hills and Mount Monadnock, bicycle trips, a 12-mile canoe trip on the Charles River, studying Massachusetts North shore salt marshes, and an exciting three-day backpacking trip up Mount Washington.
Students learn in-the-field about geology, botany, ecology, water cycle, pollution issues, and conservation. The program also conducts an environmental cleanup service project.
The Envi Sci program will start on Tuesday July 5, and will end Thursday August 4.   At the end of the program, eligible-age students are encouraged to apply to become leaders the following year.
Register now, or get more information at http://www.newtonenvisci.org