
JohnnysPlacematIf you take your kids or grandkids for a very good meal at Johnny’s Luncheonette in Newton Centre, they are sure to be entertained by coloring in placemats featuring the “Newton Energy $aver” initiative on one side and “Recycling” information on the other. Many thanks to Johnny’s for inviting Green Newton to provide a fun way for kids to learn about two important environmental initiatives! Special appreciation also goes to two talented Newton North High School students, who volunteered their time to illustrate and design the placemats: Ava Waitz, for her creative drawings that inspired the skillfully produced graphic design work for the placemats by Logan Gallagher.

Click here to see answers to the “Where Does It Go?” recycling matching game on the placement.

Headline photo:

Lucas & Josie Carvajal Kossnar did a great job coloring their "green" placemats!

Pictured from left to right are Ava Waitz, Marcia Cooper, Karen Masterson & Logan Gallagher