
Mayor Fuller is committed to increasing bike infrastructure in the City of Newton. A web page on the City’s website holds a treasure trove of information about getting around on a bicycle in and around the City. The following is a sample of the information available.

Bike Lanes

The City is currently working on designs for painted bike lanes for the length of Nahanton Street, Walnut Street from Commonwealth Avenue to Elm Road, and Washington Street from Newton Corner to Brighton. Additional locations are being considered. Learn what all the new pavement markings mean by reading our pavement marking flier. Please send requests for bike racks on public property to nfreedman@newtonma.gov.

Bike Share

Lime makes thousands of state-of-the-art bikes available for rental throughout the region, including here in Newton. Users can pick up and drop off bikes anywhere in the service area with just a smartphone. Download the app to get started. To learn more contact Lime Bikes at 888-546-3345 or support@limebike.com.

Bike Routes

  • The Bike Newton website provides maps for popular cycling loops around Newton and neighboring towns.
  • Map My Ride trails provides maps with elevation guides to many routes within and around Newton. Routes can be downloaded onto an app.

Bikes on Public Transit

Bicycle Network Plan

This Bicycle Network Plan is a template how to make Newton a bike-friendly City. http://www.newtonma.gov/images/planning/transportation/Bicycles/BikeSign.JPGDownload the plan here.

Park ‘n Pedal

Park ‘n Pedal is a free network of parking lot hubs conveniently located cycling distance from your city’s employment centers, allowing you to park your car in a designated spot, and pedal your bike to work, avoiding “last-mile” congestion.  Find the location nearest you.

Bicycle Organizations

  • Bike Newton is a 501c3 organization that aims to promote bicycling as a viable method of transportation in Newton. Bike Newton came about to make bicycling safe and convenient for all types of riders: young and old, male and female, timid and risk-prone.  In addition, hundreds of short car trips, which produce the most damaging exhaust emissions, could be replaced  by bike trips.
  • Newton Bicycle/Pedestrian Task Force is an independent citizen activist group that works with the city and local organizations to secure safe, practical and convenient bicycle and pedestrian access in Newton.

Places to Ride

  • The Upper Falls Greenway, first envisioned by the Newton Bicycle/Pedestrian Task Force, is a short and pleasant rail-trail that begins behind the National Lumber store on Needham St., has various entrance/exit points along that routes, and ends before the Charles River in Needham. It runs along the former rail corridor as the developing the Bay Colony Rail Trail farther southwest.  (Click for MAP)
  • Charles River Path runs along one or both sides of the Charles through Newton, Watertown, Waltham, Cambridge and Boston.

Organized Rides

  • Tour de Newton is BikeNewton’s premier cycling event.  Taking place each summer, the Tour de Newton is a family event with multiple rides for all abilities, followed by food and fun at City Hall.  Registration required.
  • 545Velo is a road-bicycle racing team based in Newton and committed to promoting our passion for all aspects of cycling.  With a main focus on racing and training as a team 545Velo also works to promote bicycle safety, racing and awareness, and general fitness with in the local community.
  • Crack o Dawn leaves Newton City Hall at 5:45am on Mondays and goes west on Commonwealth Ave., and leaves most Wednesdays at 5:30am for a “hills” ride.  A Sunday ride leaves the Waban Starbucks at 7am April to November, 8am in the winter.  A separate PMC515 group leaves the triangle at Dedham St. & Nahanton St., Monday – Friday at 5:30am most days.
  •  Waban WYPS, the Waban Young Men’s Pedaling Society, takes cycling trips across country.  Contact rcarpenter@seasidetherapeutics.com.

This web page was conceived and designed by Jane Hanser, with assistance from the Planning Department of the City of Newton.