 Deb Goldberg is the Chair of the Board of our state’s retirement fund—PRIM or Pension Reserves Investment Management—which holds $76.1 billion of investment assets. That’s the retirement savings of citizens, including teachers, police and union workers.

In 2019, PRIM cast climate-friendly votes, including opposing the reinstatement of Lee Raymond,—former CEO of Exxon and well-known climate change denier—to the Board of JP Morgan Chase.

This year, we urge Treasurer Goldberg to lead the PRIM board members to ramp up their climate support and push BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street—the three biggest investors in the fossil fuel industry—to remove climate change deniers from the boards of giant corporations. 

Please email or tweet before May 18—before annual shareholder meetings—for the most impact.

Email MA Treasurer Now | Dump Lee Raymond

Tweet: blackrocksbigproblem.com/tweet-mass-treasurer

Preview of sample tweets:

.@DebGoldbergMA: your peer .@PATreasury stood up to help protect communities from climate chaos. Tell .@MassPRIM .@BlackRock & .@Vanguard_Group to vote FOR a liveable climate –> vote AGAINST Lee Raymond at .@JPMorgan AGM.  #ClimateEmergency #BLKsBigProblem #StoptheMoneyPipeline
MA State Treasurer .@DebGoldbergMA: tell .@BlackRock & .@Vanguard_Group to vote AGAINST historic climate denier Lee Raymond at .@JPMorgan AGM #BLKsBigProblem #StoptheMoneyPipeline

Please be sure to use some of these hashtags and handles:
@DebGoldbergMA, @MassPRIM, @Vanguard_Group, @BlackRock, @JPMorgan AGM
#ClimateEmergency, #BLKsBigProblem, #StoptheMoneyPipeline, #LeadOnClimate