
Underserved and language-isolated communities across Massachusetts struggle with high electricity bills while wealthier suburbs access the state’s energy efficiency services at six to seven times the rate of low- and moderate-income communities and communities of color.

On Tuesday, June 15 at 5pm, there will be a public hearing on energy efficiency with the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council, which guides the progress of energy efficiency in the Commonwealth.

Massachusetts policymakers are currently developing a new 3-year energy efficiency plan. Tell them at the public hearing to increase access for the most underserved communities and break down barriers to participation in our statewide energy efficiency program.


If you would like to support this campaign and learn more, please tell Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karen Polito, and Environmental Secretary Katie Theohorides to act on energy justice today by signing the petition.


We ALL pay a monthly amount to support energy efficiency programs. Shouldn’t we ALL have equal access to these benefits?