On January 28, City of Newton’s Traffic Council unanimously passed a motion to close off the Carriage Road on Commonwealth Avenue between Bristol Road and Chestnut Street to motor vehicles.  Routing motor vehicles away from this section will aid in preventing the hazardous driving mishaps that have occurred at the crossing of Chestnut Street and the Carriage Lane.

Beginning as early as spring 2021, the Newton Parks and Recreation Department is planning to plant trees donated through the GreenNewton 4C Tree Project in the 330 foot long median strip between Bristol Road and Chestnut Street. As part of the 4C Tree Project, these trees will honor loved ones lost from COVID-19 in Newton.

Traffic Engineer Isaac Prizant indicated at the Traffic Council meeting that more extensive park-like facilities in this area could be incorporated into the Chestnut Street project that DPW has slated for redesign in around 2023.

This is an idea which Newton resident Jane Hanser first proposed in 2015, when she noticed that there are no driveways connecting to the street on this section of the road. She was able to garner leadership support from Councilor Andreae Downs, who docketed the item for the Traffic Council.

For more information, go to commonwealthavecarriagelane.com.