Sponsor a Tree to Honor Our Neighbors & Loved Ones Who Lost Their Lives to Covid-19
Give Today to CREATE A TREE MEMORIAL for Newton. Scroll Down for More Information.
$52,379 raised
$60,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Honor Our Newton Loved Ones with a Sustainable Tree Memorial
Plant 300 Trees to Honor Those Who Lost Their Lives to Covid-19 in Newton.
Trees symbolize life, connection, strength and ancestry. The Green Newton Youth Leadership Program developed a plan to plant young trees to help our community look ahead to renewed
vitality and balance in our lives while remembering the precious lives
we lost. The vision is for this project to offer a way to come together as a community to create something beautiful at a very difficult time.
Your gift will help us plant trees in public spaces throughout Newton as memorials to loved ones lost and as reminders of the importance of caring for our world.
The goals of the 4C Tree Project (Capture Carbon, Commemorate Covid) are to:
provide a beautiful living memorial to loved ones lost to Covid-19.
- remind us of our need to care for our world.
- capture carbon by planting trees, to help address climate change.
Your Donation Will Support the Environment and Help Restore the Tree Canopy in Newton as it Memorializes Our Loved Ones and Neighbors.
Trees offer a place to reflect, and add grace and beauty to our homes and communities as they help address climate change.
- Planting trees protects the environment and our future by removing carbon dioxide from the air and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere, thereby fighting the climate crisis.
- The number of street trees in Newton has dwindled from 40,000 in the 1970's to roughly 20,000 today.
- Planting trees prevents soil erosion and contributes to clean our water supplies.
- Trees offer cooling shade, block cold winter winds, attract birds and wildlife.
Trees will be planted this Spring and Fall by the Newton City Forester on Newton Public Land.
Donations on this page go toward the Green Newton Youth Leadership 4C Tree Project, not to Green Newton membership or other projects.
We may need help planting or watering the trees for the first two years, to help keep them robust as they establish their root systems. We will contact you about these opportunities as we get more information. To learn more:
- Check the YES box during your donation checkout. OR
- Send an email to Trees@GreenNewton.org
- You will receive updates with information about the Tree Planting Project, and
- You will quickly start to receive Green Newton's weekly local environmental e-newsletter.
TO DONATE BY MAIL, please send your check made out to "Green Newton" and note TreeProject on the memo line. Please include with your street and email addresses to
Green Newton, PO Box 590242, Newton, MA 02459.
If you are donating to the Tree Project, please indicate whether you would like your name and/or donation amount to show on the donor scroll, and if you'd like, you may include a statement that is up to 150 characters long (spaces count as characters).
Questions? Contact info@greennewton.org or trees@greennewton.org.